Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Week 6, Thing 15

Ramblings about Library 2.0:

The future is now . . . it's a Brave New World . . . are we to become the Burgess Meredith character in "Soylent Green"? . . .

As a librarian, I often feel like a trend setter and guide to the world, but other times I feel like a dinosaur.

It is our professional responsibility to be aware of all sources and types of electronic and print information, provide access to this information, use the new tools available to us to provide better service, and to be knowledgeable enough to guide our patrons to the appropriate tools and information they need.

We must model the behaviors of lifelong learners for our patrons and teach them media literacy skills so they might be more independent and competent users of media.

We need to help our patrons find information more effectively, allowing them to spend more time reading and learning and less time searching.

Our concept of library collections must change to reflect a balance of electronic and print resources that support the needs of our patrons.

I agree with Dr. Wendy Schultz, that libraries must evolve and embrace the new technologies, but still provide refuge for those who just need a real (not virtual) place to sit, relax, commune with other humans, and feel the weight of a book in their hands, turn its pages, and enjoy the timeless pleasure of sharing the printed word. I still love a good library!

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