Friday, June 22, 2007

Week 2, Thing 4

I played with the Yahoo Avatar options, but decided in the end that I prefer to use a real photo on my blog and not the images that Yahoo Avatar creates. I can imagine some fun uses for such creations though, and I am sure that kids have a blast with them (an avatar to represent a book character, one that shows their personal interests and hobbies, etc.). These images are also significantly safer than photos of students.
(OK-I added an avatar. It was too much fun to resist.)
I registered my blog with CSLA, so on to Thing 5.


Jackie S, 2.0 project manager said...

You know, you can have both your real photo and an avatar. We introduced avatars so you can model one way for kids to be cybersafe. Also, its fun. Enjoy!

bibliotecaria said...

Hi Karen!! Yes, you do look lovely. It's great to see you here. Hope you're having a great summer. I just registered my blog tonight. Maybe we can converse a bit. This looks pretty fun, huh?


Anonymous said...

I wasn't so sure about the avatars at first either, but as the library 2.0 team says, it is WAY safer for kids to use an avatar than their real photo when posting online! And, they can have fun expressing their interests at the same time.