Saturday, June 30, 2007

Week 3, Thing 7

If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.
I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library.

~Jorge Luis Borges

OK - maybe these two quotes have very little to do with technology, but I love them just the same, and I found them online, so perhaps they belong in this blog after all. I spent entirely too much time in the virtual world this past week and not enough time in my garden nor enough time reading. Therefore I shall dedicate this next week to gardening, reading, visiting with friends and family, lounging about the pool, and drinking margaritas.
I shall return to this space in a week or so to continue my learning adventure.

Week 3, Thing 6

The Flickr mash-up and third party sites were so much fun that I completely lost track of time as I created trading cards, magazine covers, and Warholized prints of myself, family members, and my pet bunny. The process to create and edit the images was very easy. What fun!

Here is a trading card I created for SnugB at

Week 3, Thing 5

I spent way more time than I intended exploring the Flickr site and the mash-up and third-party sites, but it was quite fun. I use Picasa to store, organize, and share my photos; however, now I am considering a Flickr account, too. They provide a similar service, but there are some unique advantages to both.
I found Flickr's Magical Feature Tour of the six steps well done, informative, and easy to follow and understand. The screen shots interspersed within the tutorial complimented the text.
I also spent time admiring the splendid photography in the "Last Seven Days" section, especially this particular shot of some sort of insect, <>. Absolutely amazing!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Week 2, Thing 4

I played with the Yahoo Avatar options, but decided in the end that I prefer to use a real photo on my blog and not the images that Yahoo Avatar creates. I can imagine some fun uses for such creations though, and I am sure that kids have a blast with them (an avatar to represent a book character, one that shows their personal interests and hobbies, etc.). These images are also significantly safer than photos of students.
(OK-I added an avatar. It was too much fun to resist.)
I registered my blog with CSLA, so on to Thing 5.

Week 2, Thing 3

Obviously, I have set-up my blog, or you would not be reading this. It was quite easy to do using Blogger. Aside from use for this online learning opportunity, I am not so sure that I would choose to use a blog as my journal. I think I am a more private person who does not wish to share my personal thoughts with millions of people. Not that anyone would necessarily read my blog, with so much more interesting discoveries out there in the virtual world. However, since blogging is the communication of choice for many of your students, it is important that we are at least aware of it and how it can be used appropriately.
On to the next thing.

Week 1, Thing 2

The 7.5 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners online tutorial was well done and informative. It made me pause and think about what I am indeed good at doing and what perhaps I need to improve. I have always been eager to learn new things and to share what I learn with others, so I suppose that makes me a lifelong learner. But then, can we not say that about all educators? Why would anyone be in education if one was not a lifelong learner?
On to the next thing -- blogging.

Week 1, Thing 1

Why 23 things? Why not 25 or 20 or 21? OK - just go with it. I read the blog and and found out about the program. Pointers for lifelong learners is next.